To create exhibition, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the menu, expand exhibition and click on the Exhibitions and you will land on Exhibition list (if any)
- Click on Create Exhibition button to proceed with the creation process.
- An event key must be provided to generate the exhibition visual chart, from which booth/stage can be selected for registration by vendors.
- Fill in the complete information.
- A discount plan can also be added
- Click on submit button to create the exhibition.
- Click on the back button to go back to the Exhibition
- To update an existing Exhibition, click on the edit icon on Exhibition list and the existing details can be edited.
- To delete an existing Exhibition, click on the delete icon on Exhibitions list and the Exhibition will be deleted after confirming from you again (if any record is not associated with the Exhibition)
- Click on the chart management , to see the summary, status or to edit the chart.
- Click on the Exhibition URL button , to copy the URL of Exhibitions list.
- Search box can be used ,for quick search.
- List can be resorted by clicking on sorting option ,on each column.
- List can be exported to csv or Excel formal by clicking on